Oct 29, 2012

Answers for Problem Clarification (BM)

Pasangan                                             Penjelasan  Masalah

Pasangan12                                         1. Apakah subjek yang terlibat dalam perjanjian jual beli tersebut?
-          Rujuk pada fakta kes

2. Adakah kedua belah pihak terikat dengan perjanjian yang ditanda tangani pada 31 Mac 2010?
- Ya

3. Pihak manakah yang telah melanggar perjanjian jual beli tersebut?
- Rujuk pada fakta kes

4. Apakah transaksi yang telah dibuat dalam jual beli antara perayu dan respondent?
- Rujuk pada fakta kes ( soalan kurang jelas)

5. Pelanggaran kontrak oleh sebelah pihak, adakah mereka subjek kepada klausa 10.1 perjanjian tersebut?
-rujuk pada fakta kes

6. Apakah yang di maksudkan oleh klausa 10.1 perjanjian tersebut.
- ‘mooters’ perlu memahaminya sendiri

7. Atas alasan apakah RB yakin bahawa mereka terlepas dari meneruskan perjanjian secara sah setelah gagal membuat pembayaran?
- rujuk pada fakta kes

8. Adakah RS telah memberikan notis 30 hari kepada RB seperti yang ditetapkan sebelum mengaplikasikan klausa 10.1?
- andaian oleh ‘mooters’

Pasangan18                                         1. Adakah Responden memberikan notis sepanjang 30 hari kepada perayu untuk membetulkan pelanggarannya? 
- andaian oleh ‘mooters’

2. A) Adakah jumlah wang deposit sama dengan jumlah bayaran ansuran pertama?
- tidak sama

B) kalau tidak, Apakah perbezaan antara jumlah deposit dengan jumlah bayaran ansuran pertama? 
- Deposit 10% dan jumlah ansuran RM83,500 (andaian ‘mooters)

3.  Sejak bilakah Masalah kecairan mula berlaku? 

- andaian oleh ‘mooters’

4.  Sejak bilakah peraturan Bank Negara dikuatkuasakan? 
- andaian oleh ‘mooters’

Pasangan 23                                        1. Adakah RB dalam keadaan yang waras dan kompeten, apabila RB menandatangani perjanjian itu dengan RS?
                                                            -tidak relevan
2. Adakah RB telah meneliti, memastikan dan memahami tentang syarat-syarat perjanjian dengan RS ini apabila memeterai perjanjian jual beli ini? 
-tidak relevan
3. Apakah penaakulan yang diberikan oleh hakim yang bijaksana apabila hakim yang bijaksana memberikan penghakiman untuk membayar pampasan/ganti rugi dan menafikan tuntutan RS tentang pelaksanan specifik?    
-- andaian oleh ‘mooters’
4. Adakah perjanjian yang ditandatangani antara RB dan RS pernah mengatakan bahawa RB akan membeli tanah tersebut dengan mendapat pinjaman wang daripada bank? - andaian oleh ‘mooters’
5. Adakah RS menegaskan tuntutan pelaksanaan spesifik pada setiap masa dalam rayuan ini?
-siapa yang merayu
6. Apakah butir-butiran dalam garispanduan Bank Negara berhubung dengan pinjaman kepada sektor hartanah?
-andaian oleh ‘mooters’

Pasangan 24                                        1. Jumlah ansuran yang dibayar oleh pihak Rahmat Bulat sdn bhd , adakah didalam jumlah RM 83,500 atau pun RM 83.5 juta ?
-          Tidak relevan

Pasangan 28                                        1. Ke atas apakah sebab Bank Negara menolakkan pemimjaman kepada Rahmat Bulat Sdn Bhd?
                                                            -andaian oleh’ mooters’
2. Apakah kecairan yang dibuat oleh Bank Negara ke atas pemimjaman tersebut? 
-andaian oleh ‘mooters’
3. Adakah kontrak (Klausa 10.1) yang dibuat oleh kedua-dua pihak atas nasihat penasihat undang-undang?
-tidak relevan

Pasangan35                                         1. Adakah RS telah memberi notis pemberitahuan selama 30 hari kepada RB?
                                                            -andaian oleh ‘mooters’

2. Berapa lamakah RB memiliki hak tanah (Title) setelah memberitahu RS bahawa mereka telah gagal untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dan melunaskan hutang pembelian tanah tersebut?
-tidak relevan

3. Adakah kegagalan pemilikhakan tanah oleh RB (setelah gagal melunaskan hutang) dipulang semula kepada RS (Title)?
-tidak relevan

4. Mengikut klausa 10.1 perjanjian kontrak antara RB dan RS. RB membawa kes di atas hujahan frustrasi kontrak, isu-isu pliding oleh RS dan juga damage kecairan di bawah klausa 10.1. Apakah tuntutan  (isu-isu pliding) yang dibuat oleh RS? 
-andaian oleh ‘mooters’

5. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan keputusan Hakim di dalam mahkamah tinggi untuk tidak mengawardkan  pelucuthakan ansuran pertama di dalam klausa 10.1? (Hanya pelucuthakan deposit sahaja yang diberikan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan juga jumlah 11% setahun ke atas ansuran ketiga) 
- penghakiman merujuk kepada klausa 10.1 dan perenggan 4

6. Adakah tuntutan Pelaksanaan Spesifikasi Kontrak dan juga Frustrasi Kontrak oleh RS yang ditolak , dilakukan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi di atas budi bicara mahkamah? (Kegagalan pelaksanaan spesfikasi kontrak) dan hanya mengawardkan damage berdasarkan kepada deposit dan ansuran pertama dan ketiga. 
-rujuk fakta kes

7. Siapakah bank (mana-mana insititusi kewangan) yang dimaksudkan oleh RB untuk mendapatkan Pinjaman?
-tidak relevan

8. Di dalam klausa 10.1, Notis 30 hari oleh RS hanya perlu diberikan apabila kegagalan RB untuk melunaskan hutang tidak melibatkan ansuran kedua dan ketiga, Adakah ianya juga termasuk ansuran keempat yang gagal dilunaskan oleh RB (penyebab kepada permulaan prosiding di Mahkamah Tinggi)?
-tidak relevan

9. Adakah kegagalan melunaskan hutang (ansuran keempat oleh RB) menimbulkan isu penipuan (fraudulent) terhadap RS?
-tidak relevan

Pasangan51                                         1. Apakah tarikh pelucuthakan yang ditetapkan?
                                                            -tidak relevan
2. Adakah tarikh siap ditetapkan dalam perjanjian jual beli tersebut?
-tidak relevan
3. Adakah Bank Negara yang mengalami masalah kecairan ataupun RB Sdn. Bhd.?
-tidak relevan
4. Adakah RS membayar wang deposit (10%) dan wang ansuran berjumlah RM83,500 menggunakan wang sendiri atau wang daripada Bank Negara atau mana-mana institusi kewangan?
-tidak relevan
5. Adakah RB memenuhi syarat-syarat dan/atau peraturan-peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Negara semasa memohon pinjaman?
6. Adakah pihak penjual (RS) telah menghantar notis kepada pihak pembeli (RB) dalam  tempoh 3o hari sepertimana yang ditetapkan di bawah klausa 10.1 perjanjian jual beli?
-andaian oleh ‘mooters’
7. Adakah dalam kontrak antara pihak penjual dan pembeli terdapat satu klausa yang menyatakan bahawa perjanjian tersebut adalah dibatalkan sekiranya pihak pembeli gagal mendapatkan pinnjaman daripada Bank Negara?
                                                            -andaian oleh ‘mooters’

Pasukan 44                                          1. Adakah sumber-sumber yang tidak berkaitan dengan undang-undang seperti artikel surat khabar dan sebagainya dibenarkan untuk diguna dalam hujahan?
                                                           -tidak dibenarkan
2. Adakah terdapat provisi dalam kontrak bahawa jikalau pinjaman tidak dapat didapati, apakah akan berlaku kepada parti-parti kontrak?
-andaian oleh’mooters’

Pasangan26                             1) Apa yang dimaksudkan dalam klausa 10.1      "jumlah yang bersamaan dengan kepada 11% setahun atas ansuran ketiga" ? 11% daripada jumlah mana? jumlah harga tanah tersebut atau jumlah ansuran yang dibayar?
-          Rujuk pada fakta kes

2) mengikut fakta dalam Klausa 10.1 hanya sebut mengenai ansuran pertama dan ansuran ketiga, bagaimana dengan ansuran kedua? adakah ia tidak perlu diambil kira?
-rujuk pada fakta kes

Answers for Problem Clarification (ENG)

Team Number                                     Problem Clarifications

Team 3                                                1. The value of the land during Rajesh Sinar Sdn. Bhd. (RS)’s failure to pay the balance of the purchase price.
                                                            -Mooters should calculate by themselves

2. The respective amount of first installment and third instalment.
-Total of three instalments is RM83,500- so mooters may assume the amount of the 1st and 3rd instalments

3. In line 8 of the second paragraph, it was stated that the learned judge awarded RS damages under cl 10.1 of the agreement, namely, the forfeiture of the first instalment, and 11% p.a. of the third instalment or portion remaining unpaid calculated from the due date until the date of such forfeiture by way of agreed liquidated damages. However, the next paragraph (paragraph 4) stated that the learned judged ordered for the forfeiture of the deposit and a sum amounting to 11% p.a. on the third instalment. As I understand it, the forfeiture of the first instalment is different from the forfeiture of the deposit. Line 8 of the second paragraph said that the learned judge gave effect to the damages stated under cl 10.1 of the agreement but at paragraph 4, his Lordship gave a different order. Please do clarify if it is meant to be an additional order/award and if not, whether the forfeiture of the first instalment was allowed by his Lordship or not.
-Forfeiture of the 1st instalment is different from the forfeiture of the deposit
-The order / decision made by the Judge is as per clause 10.1 and paragraph 4

4. The second ground of appeal stated that the words “liquidated damages awarded under cl 10.1”. I would like to clarify whether the liquidated damages as stated refer to the forfeiture of the first instalment, 11% p.a. of the third instalment and the portion remaining unpaid. As I know, liquidated damages refer to damages that are pre-determined and usually refer to the deposit paid by buyer. So I need a clarification as to whether the liquidated damages as stated refer solely to the damages stated under 10.1 of the agreement (which does not include deposit) or whether the liquidated damages also cover the forfeiture of the deposit as ordered by the learned judge in paragraph 4 (assuming that there is no mistake in such order). 
-The liquidated damages as stated refer solely to clause 10.1 of the agreement as per the 2nd ground of Appeal

5. Line 7 of the third paragraph. The words “portion thereof” refer to the third instalment only or both the third and the first instalments? Do the words “by way of agreed liquidated damages” refer to both the forfeiture of the first instalment, and the 11% p.a. of the third instalment/portion remaining unpaid?
-The ‘word portion thereof’- refer to both the instalment
-The word’ by way of agreed liquidated damages’ refer to both 1st instalment and the 11% of the 3rd instalment/ portion remaining unpaid

Team 5                                                1. May I know what is the due date as mentioned in clause 10.1 of the agreement in line 8 which states that ‘…remaining unpaid/outstanding calculated from the due date until the date of such forfeiture by way of agreed liquidated damages …’ ?
                                                            -assumption to be made by mooters

Team 7                                                1. Is there any special condition that Rahmah Bulat Sdn. Bhd. (RB) has to comply when seeking financial facility from the bank?
-          Is not mentioned in the facts- to make assumption

Team 8                                                1. Did RS send notice in writing to RB? (this fact is essential for the argument of RS’ compliance to the clause 10.1)
-          Assumption to be made by mooters

2. How long was the land title in RB’s possession after  they informed RS that they had failed to obtain the loan to pay the balance of the purchase price? 
- Irrelevant

3. According to the moot question, RB challenged the trial judge's decision on the issues of the frustration of the contract, the issues of the RS's claim in the pleading, and the agreed liquidated damages under the clause 10.1. What is ‘RS's claim in the pleading’ about?
-assumption to be made by mooters

4. It was written that the learned judge ordered forfeiture of deposit in the 4th paragraph (after the clause). Please clarify whether the order is inclusive of first instalment.
-Please refer to the judgment made by the Judge as per clause 10.1 and paragraph 4

Team 10                                              1. What is broad property? –to do research
2. What is liquidation problem? –the question is not clear

Team 22                                              1. When is the date of the transaction?
                                                            - There is breach of contract so no transaction took place
2. When is the due date for the full payment?
-assumption to be made by mooters

3. Is there any full written agreement of the transaction?
- written contract- yes

Team37                                               1. I would like to know are non legal sources allowed to be used as a source in mooting, like articles of newspaper, thesis and so on?
-          Not allowed

Team 60                                              1. We would like to identify whether Rajesh Sinar (the appellant) gave Rahmat Bulat (the respondent) any notice requiring the later to remedy the breaches he made toward RS? (as the facts are silent on this matter) If yes, has the notice expired?
                                                            -who is appellant and who is the respondent?
-assumption to be made by mooters

2. According to clause 10.1 of the contract, it states that a notice is only necessary if the breach does not involve the payment of the second instalment or the third instalment. Since the facts have stated that RB has paid for the three instalments, does it mean that RS needs not give a notice to RB and RS can forfeit the first instalment and the sum equivalent to eleven per annum on the third instalment…… as agreed by the parties?
-assumption to be made by mooters
3. We would like to know the interpretation of ‘portion thereof remaining unpaid/outstanding calculated from the due date until the date of such forfeiture by way of agreed liquidated damages’ as stated in Clause 10.1 of the contract.
-The ‘word portion thereof’- refer to both the instalment

Does the ‘remaining unpaid portion’ refer to the remaining amount in which the purchaser fails to remedy the vendor? In other words, does the ‘remaining unpaid portion’ refer to the remaining amount of the first instalment and 11% of the third instalment, in which the purchaser fails to pay, calculating from the due date of the notice?
-The word’ by way of agreed liquidated damages’ refer to both 1st instalment and the 11% of the 3rd instalment/ portion remaining unpaid

4. If the facts state that RS needs not serve a notice to RB as the breach does not involve the payment of second and third instalment, then how does the vendor forfeit the remaining unpaid portion as there is no notice, there will not be a due date of the notice until the date of such forfeiture?
5. The monies in which the vendor’s solicitors shall refund to the purchaser refer to what monies? The deposit, the second instalment and the remaining amount of the third instalment after paying 11% pa of it to the vendor as a remedy?
-assumption to be made by mooters based on the question
-the 2nd question -not clear

Oct 18, 2012


Dear Mooters,

To ease the compilation process of the problem clarifications, please send in your clarifications in a word document (Microsoft Words). Furthermore, it will be strongly advisable if the subject of the e-mail will be named in the following manner:

Problem Clarifications - Team 1 (your respective team number)
Penjelasan Masalah - Pasangan 1 (nombor pasangan tertentu)

Please be reminded that the problem clarifications should be submitted in the language that the respective teams will be mooting in. This is because the compilation of the problem clarifications (BM and English) must be inserted in the mooter's memorial.

MMU Law Moot Committee 2012/2013

Oct 13, 2012

Problem Clarification 2012/2013

Dear Moot Participants,

Please be reminded that the problem clarifications shall be made in the language where the moot participants will be mooting in. Therefore, if mooters were to moot in BM, kindly submit your problem clarifications in BM as well.

MMU Law Moot 2012/2013 Official Rules and Regulations

The following are the rules and regulations of the Competition:


1.1 Abbreviations

“MMU” refers to Multimedia University.

“MULS” refers to Multimedia University’s Law Society.

1.2 General Definition

“Administrator” means the person appointed to administer a Moot.

“Advanced Rounds” means the Semifinal Rounds and the Final Round.

“Bailiff” means the person who maintains order during a Moot.

“Competition” means the Law Moot Competition organised and administered by MULS.

“Competition Director” means the director of the Competition who is a member of the MULS and who heads the Organising Committee.

“Competition Problem” means the official competition question for the Preliminary Rounds and the Advanced Rounds as supplemented or corrected by any official Problem Clarifications or corrections.

“Head Administrator” means the person in charge of the panel of Administrators.

“Memorial” means the written pleadings of each Team, written and submitted in pursuant to these Rules.

“Moot” means the round of mooting in the Competition.

“Official Timetable” means the official timetable of the Competition.

“Organising Committee” means the members of the MULS who are in charge of organising and managing the Competition.

“Preliminary Rounds” means the rounds of mooting to determine the four (4) highest ranking Teams in each Tournament that would progress to the Advanced Rounds.

“Problem Clarifications” means the official clarifications of the Competition Problem and of these Rules.

“Rules” means the Law Moot Competition Rules, subject to any supplementary rules.

“Team” means any team registered for the Competition.

“Tournament” means the English Tournament, the official language of which is the English language, and the Bahasa Malaysia Tournament, the official language of which is Bahasa Malaysia.

1.3 Interpretation

In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) words and expressions in the singular include the plural, and words and expressions in the plural include the singular;
(b) words and expressions importing the masculine gender include feminine.


2.1 Organising Committee and Competition Director

2.1.1 The Organising Committee shall administer the Competition.

2.1.2 The Competition Director in consultation with the Head Administrator shall have the final say in all matters or disputes related to the conduct of the Competition.

2.1.3 Competition Director shall not:
(a) sit as a judge nor influence the judge(s) in any way;
(b) provide any assistance or instructions to any Team participating in the Competition;
(c) prejudice any participating Team in any way.

2.2 Administrator(s)

2.2.1 There shall be a panel of Administrators who are law academicians.

2.2.2 The Head Administrator will appoint an Administrator for a Moot and will designate the date and location for each Moot.

2.2.3 The Administrators must conduct a Moot consistent with these Rules and in consultation with the Head Administrator.

2.2.4 The Head Administrator shall serve as final arbiter of implementation and interpretation of these Rules.

2.2.5 Administrators shall not:
(a) serve as coach or in any other way assist a Team registered in his or her Moot;
(b) prejudice any participating Team in any way.


3.1 Competition Tournaments

3.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the supplementary rules, the Competition consists of two (2) Tournaments:
(a) the English Tournament; and
(b) the Bahasa Malaysia Tournament.

3.1.2. Teams participating in each Tournament will be determined by a random draw after the close of registration in the Official Timetable.

3.1.3 Each Tournament consists of two (2) levels:
(a) the Preliminary Rounds; and
(b) the Advanced Rounds.

3.1.4 Preliminary Rounds is applicable if there are more than sixteen (16) participating Teams.

3.2 Preliminary Rounds

3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in the supplementary rules, all Teams shall compete in the Preliminary Rounds.

3.2.2 The pairing of Teams in the Preliminary Rounds shall be determined by a random draw.

3.2.3 In the event that an odd number of Teams register for the Competition, the odd Team will moot ex parte in accordance with Rule 8.4.2.

3.2.4 The Administrators may modify the pairings to account for absent Teams or other contingencies. If Teams must be newly paired, they must be provided their new opponents’ Memorials as soon as reasonably possible, but in no event less than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the newly paired round.

3.2.5 Four highest ranking Teams in each Tournament will progress to the Advanced Rounds.

3.3 Advanced Rounds

3.3.1 The Advanced Rounds consist of the Semifinal Rounds and the Final Round.

3.3.2 Teams progressing to the Advanced Rounds will be announced after the conclusion of the Preliminary Rounds.

3.3.3 The draw for the Semifinal Rounds is as follows (where Team A is the highest placed team and Team D the lowest placed team):

Round 1: Team A v Team D
Round 2: Team B v Team C

3.3.4 The winning Team from each Semifinal Round progresses to the Final Round.


4.1 Team Eligibility

4.1.1 All MMU law students are eligible to participate in the Competition.

4.1.2 The number of Teams eligible to participate shall be determined by the Organising Committee.

4.2 Registration

4.2.1 Each Team must complete and submit a registration form to the Organising Committee by the registration deadline in the Official Timetable.

4.2.2 Each Team must remit the appropriate registration fee (if any) by the registration deadline in the Official Timetable. The amount of registration fee payable (if any) will be prescribed in the supplementary rules.

4.3 Team Composition and Number as Identification

4.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in the supplementary rules, a Team is composed of two (2) members, namely one (1) counsel and one (1) co-counsel.

4.3.2. Each Team will be assigned with a team number by the Organising Committee upon registration.


5.1 Release of Competition Problem

5.1.1 The Competition Problem will be released on the date or dates in the Official Timetable and the same facts in the Competition Problem will be used throughout the Competition.

5.2 Problem Clarifications

5.2.1 Teams may submit written requests for clarifications of the Competition Problem to the Head Administrator by the date in the Official Timetable.

5.2.2 Problem Clarifications will be limited to factual clarifications of the Competition Problem and no legal clarifications will be allowed.

5.2.3 The Head Administrator in with the panel of Administrators will publish Problem Clarifications on the date in the Official Timetable.

5.2.4 Each Team must ensure that it receives and adequately notes the Problem Clarifications in preparation for the Competition.


6.1 Eligibility of Persons to Judge

6.1.1 The Head Administrator shall determine the persons who are eligible to serve as judges in the Competition.

6.1.2 Judges should disqualify themselves from judging a Team if they have a personal or professional relationship with someone affiliated with that Team, and if that relationship might jeopardise their impartiality or create an appearance of impropriety. However, judges should not disqualify themselves from judging a round merely because they have an acquaintance with a Team member.

6.2 Number of Judges

6.2.1 The Preliminary Rounds are heard by one (1) judge.

6.2.2 The Advanced Rounds may be heard by one (1) judge or a panel of three (3) judges.

6.3 Commentary by Judges

Judges are encouraged to provide direct feedback to the Teams regarding the Teams’ performance at the completion of a Moot. In providing such feedback, judges are advised to give due regard to the time limitations and schedule of the Competition.


7.1 Submission of Memorials

7.1.1 Each Team must prepare and submit a Memorial.

7.1.2 Each Team must submit the hardcopy of the Memorial to the Head Administrator on the date and time specified in the Official Timetable. The duty to prepare the hardcopy of the Memorial is on each Team.

7.2 Language of Memorials

Teams must submit Memorials in the official language of the Tournament in which they are participating.

7.3 Structure of Memorials

Rules relating to formatting, content, citation and anonymity of memorials are set out in Schedule 1.


8.1 Language

Teams must moot in the official language of the Tournament in which they are participating. Interpreters will not be available.

8.2 General Procedures

8.2.1 In a Moot, each Team is allowed forty five (45) minutes to moot, which is to be apportioned as follows:
(a) counsel – 20 minutes
(b) co-counsel – 20 minutes
(c) rebuttal and surrebuttal – 5 minutes

8.2.2 Any of the counsels in each Team is entitled to deliver a rebuttal or surrebuttal.

8.2.3 Nothing may be handed up to the judge(s).

8.3 Extension of Time

Judges may, at their discretion, permit time extensions if counsels are requested to elaborate their argument.

8.4 Ex Parte Procedure

8.4.1 In circumstances where after waiting five (5) minutes, a Team fails to appear for a scheduled Moot, the Administrator may allow the Moot to proceed ex parte.
8.4.2 In the ex parte proceeding, the attending Team shall present its oral submissions, which is scored by the judge(s) to the extent possible as if the absent Team had been present and arguing. In such a case, unless supported with justifiable reasons, the Team that fails to appear for the scheduled Moot forfeits all scores stipulated under Rule 9.1.1(a).

8.5 Communications during a Moot

Only communications listed below are permitted:

(a) A counsel may communicate with the judge(s), and the judge(s) may communicate with that counsel, during the counsel’s allotted time.
(b) Counsels are not permitted as to communicate orally with each other to avoid disruptions and distractions. All communication at the counsel table shall be in writing.
(c) Counsels shall not communicate either orally or in writing with spectators or the Bailiff.

8.6 Spectators

The Preliminary Rounds and Advanced Rounds are open to the general public. During a Moot, the presence of the Team’s coaches, advisors, or other spectators affiliated are permitted in the courtroom.

8.7 Prohibition from attending a Moot

8.7.1 Team members or persons directly affiliated with any Team shall not attend a Moot in which their Team is not competing. If there is any violation the Administrator must be informed immediately, without disturbing the Moot, or immediately after the Moot has ended.

8.7.2 The Head Administrator shall have the discretion to impose a penalty on teams that violate this rule.

8.8 Audio and Videotaping

8.8.1 No audio or videotaping of moots is permitted without the advance permission of the judge(s) and the Administrator. The use of any appliance, capable of storing audio and/or video is prohibited during the Competition.

8.8.2 Participating Teams are not permitted to view or listen to any such audio tape until after the completion of the Tournament in which the taped Moot occurs.

8.8.3 MULS reserves all rights to the audio and videotaping, or any other form of audio or visual reproduction, of any Moot or part thereof. All Teams participating in the Competition are deemed to have consented to taping and broadcasting of that Moot.

8.9 Computers and Laptops in Courtrooms

During a Moot, counsels shall not operate laptops, handheld or desktop computers or computing devices for any purpose.


9.1 Method of Scoring

9.1.1 The scoring system consists of two parts, namely:
(a) Scoring of the Moot (70%);
(b) Scoring of the Memorial (30%).

9.1.2 A Team’s total competition score is the sum total of (a) and (b). For the break down of the scores, refer to Schedule 2 and 3.

9.1.3 Scores for the Memorials will be given by the Administrator(s), and such scores may not be revealed to the judge(s). Scores for the Moot will be given by the respective judge(s).

9.1.4 All decisions made in the scoring system are at the discretion of the Administrator(s) and/or judge(s) and shall not be disputed.

9.1.5 Administrators and judges must keep confidential from all Teams the exact score in each pairing, and each judge’s determination in the pairing.

9.1.6 Only the identity of the Teams progressing to the Advanced Rounds and the winning Team(s) in the Advanced shall be revealed.

9.2 Determination of Ranking in Preliminary Rounds

9.2.1 Teams shall be ranked by the highest sum total of Rule 9.1.1(a) and (b).

9.2.2 In the event of a tie, Teams having the higher score for the Moot shall be ranked higher.

9.2.3 In the event of a tie in respect of the Moot score, Teams having the higher score for the legal content of the Memorial shall be ranked higher.

9.2.4 In the event of a tie with respect to both the Moot and the Memorial, Teams progressing to the Advanced Rounds shall be decided by the panel of Administrators and the decision shall not be disputed.

9.3 Determination of Winners in Advanced Rounds

9.3.1 The winner of a Moot in the Advanced Rounds will be the Team having the highest sum total of Rule 9.1.1(a) and (b).

9.3.2 In the event of a tie, the Team having the higher score for the Moot shall be the winner.

9.3.3 In the event of a tie in respect of the Moot score, the Team having the higher score for the legal content of the Memorial shall be the winner.

9.3.4 In the event of a tie with respect to both the Moot and the Memorial, the winner shall be decided by the judge or panel of judges, whichever is applicable, and the decision shall not be disputed.


10.1 Winner of the Tournament

The winning Team in the Final Round in each Tournament wins the Tournament and will receive the Challenge Trophy.

10.2 Best Oralist

10.2.1 In each Moot, the counsel with the highest individual oral score in Rule 9.1.1(a) shall be deemed to be the Best Oralist.

10.2.2 In the event of a tie, the judge(s) shall have the discretion to determine the Best Oralist, and such decision shall not be disputed.

10.2.3 Only the Best Oralist in the Final Round will be eligible for the Best Oralist Trophy.

10.3 Best Memorial

10.3.1 In the Final Round, the Team with the highest score for the Memorial in Rule 9.1.1(b) will be entitled for the Best Memorial Trophy.

10.3.2 In the event of a tie, the Head Administrator in consultation with the panel of Administrators shall have the discretion to determine the Team eligible for such Trophy, and such decision shall not be disputed.


11.1 Complaint Procedure

11.1.1 If a Team believes that a violation of the Rules has occurred during a Moot, the Team shall inform the Bailiff in writing within five (5) minutes of the conclusion of that Moot. Teams must approach the Administrator with complaints if there is no Bailiff.

11.1.2 The violation and the parties involved in the violation shall be clearly described in the written notification. Teams are not allowed to approach the judges directly with regards to any violation of the Rules.

11.1.3 Failure to follow any of the procedures stipulated in this paragraph shall result in a waiver of the Team’s complaint.

11.1.4 If one or more judges believe that a violation has occurred during a Moot, he shall inform the Bailiff orally or in writing within five (5) minutes of the completion of the Moot. When possible, the matter should be brought to the Bailiff outside the attention of the other judges.

11.2 Additional and Supplementary Rules

The Organising Committee may make rules in addition and/or supplementary to the Rules in respect of any matters incidental, ancillary or supplementary thereto or concerning the conduct and administration of the Competition.

Oct 8, 2012

Structure of Memorial

Dear all participants,

Please take note that the structure of memorial can be downloaded from the link below:
Structure of Memorial

Thank you.

Organizing Committee of Law Moot Competition 2012/2013

Oct 5, 2012

MMU Law Moot 2012/2013 Guidelines

Please take note that, in each round at all levels of the competition, the order of the moot is:
  1. Appellant 1 (Lead Counsel)
  2. Appellant 2 (Co-Counsel)
  3. Respondent 1 (Lead Counsel)
  4. Respondent 2 (Co-Counsel)
  5. Rebuttal (Appellant)        
  6. Surrebuttal (Respondent)

Kindly be reminded that pursuant to Rule 8.2.1, each team is allowed 45 minutes to moot, which is to be apportioned as follows:

  1. Counsel – 20 minutes
  2. Co-Counsel – 20 minutes
  3. rebuttal and surrebuttal – 5 minutes

Also, pursuant to Rule 8.2.2, any of the counsels in each team is entitled to deliver to rebuttal and surrebuttal.

Organizing Committee of Law Moot Competition 2011/2012

Court Structure and Court Attire 2012/2013


Oct 1, 2012

Problem Clarification Due Date

Attention to all participants,

Please be reminded that according to the official timeline of Law Moot Competition 2012/2013, the due date of Problem Clarification will be on Monday (22nd October).

All problems, questions or issues are to be sent to the official email address: mmulawmoot@yahoo.com

Thank you.

Organizing Committee of Law Moot Competition 2012/2013